🤓 NERD League Meet 1 is in the books!
Microchips & Queso joined 9 other teams at the Northeast Robotics Division (NERD) at Judson Middle School on Saturday, November 4, 2023.

This was our first official robotics meet as team 23350! Once our robot passed robot inspection and field inspection, we competed in 6 of 15 matches.
Our focus for the meet:
💙 Gracious Professionalism – It’s important to @first_official_ and it’s important to us.
👀 Observation – As rookies we needed to learn the rhythms of a league meet.

We are grateful for all the teams and JSTEM Academy for hosting the event.
Our claw to pick up pixels broke and we had no time to fix it, but we ended the day with 5 wins and 1 loss. It was a close finish.

At the end of the day we ranked FIRST in our league!!
🙌 Thank you to all our sponsors for supporting STEM in San Antonio, Texas!